Mudanças entre as edições de "Ilusão do Vampiro"

De Ragna4th
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==Main Quest==
|pontodeinicio= {{NaviLink|map=payon|x=157|y=229}}
|experiencia=50,000,000 (Base) and 50,000,000 (Classe)
|recompensas=5x {{Item2|25271|Pedras da Ilusão}}
# Fale com Grimm em {{NaviLink|map=gef_dun01|x=132|y=223}} para começar a quest. Ele está discutindo com Mojo e pede pra você decidir quem está certo.
# Fale com Grimm de novo. Ele diz que pegou um livro e parece perigoso.
# Fale com Grim mais uma vez e você começará a ler o primeiro capítulo do livro.
# Fale de novo com Grim. Dessa vez ele dirá que já tem um grupo dentro da memória do livro e você deveria se juntar à eles.
# Fale com Grim e escolha '''"Yes. Send me there"''' para entrar no calabouço da Ilusão do Vampiro.
# Após entrar, você encontrará o outro grupo. Fale com '''Gem''' para conseguir mais informações. Ela dirá que outro sacerdote está desaparecido.
# Ache '''Jubilee''' em {{NaviLink|map=gef_d01_i|x=250|y=164}}. Você pode chegar no minimapa para achar onde ele está. Você começará a ver as memórias do dono do livro enquanto anda pelo calabouço.
# Fale com '''Wizard''' ({{NaviLink|map=gef_d01_i|x=81|y=135}}.
# Você descobrirá que na verdade é a Bomi. Fale com ela de novo. Ela quer que você colete e cace:
#*10x {{Item2|25268|Sticky Bloods}} (derrubado pelo Matte Drainliar).
#*10x {{Item2|25269|Mushroom Saps}} (Derrubado pelos Illusion Black Mushrooms).
#*Cace 5x {{Mob|id=3750|nome=Matte Drainliars}}.
#*Cace 5x {{Mob|id=3755|nome=Illusion Black Mushrooms}}.
# Após completar tudo, retorne até Bomi e fale com ela.
# Vá até as catacumbas na parte Sul e fale com '''Dracula''' ({{NaviLink|map=gef_d01_i|x=189|y=98}})
# Fale com o Rei.
# Há uma batalha acontecendo com Bomi. Volte até ela e investigue.
# Fale com Bomi de novo.
# Fale com Gem na entrada do calabouço e você será enviado para fora do livro.
# Conte para Grimm o que aconteceu dentro do livro. Você será recompensado com 5x {{Item2|25271|Pedras da Ilusão}} e alguma experiência.<br>''Você desbloqueará todas as quests diárias da Ilusão do Vampiro.''
==Quests Diárias==
===Mande os Mortos de Volta à Terra===
|recompensas=2x {{Item2|25271|Pedras da Ilusão}}
|experiencia=12,500,000 (Base) e 12,500,000 (Classe)
# Fale com Gem e escolha '''Sure, why not?''' para aceitar seu pedido.
# Você precisará caçar os seguintes monstros:
#* 10x {{Mob|id=3751|nome=Illusion Zombies Cursed}}
#* 10x {{Mob|id=3752|nome=Illusion Zombies}}
#* 10x {{Mob|id=3753|nome=Illusion Ghouls}}
# Volte até Gem e pegue sua recompensa.
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===Bons Sonhos===
|recompensas=2x {{Item2|25271|Pedras da Ilusão}}
|experiencia=12,500,000 (Base) e 12,500,000 (Classe)
# Fale com Antoine e escolha '''Sure thing''' para aceitar seu pedido.
# Mate 10 {{Mob|id=3754|nome=Sweet Nightmares}} e junte 20x {{Item2|25270|Wavy Manes}} (que são derrubados pelos Sweet Nightmares).
# Retorne para Antoine e pegue sua recompensa.
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===Sangue Falso Não Confiável===
|recompensas=1x {{Item2|25271|Pedra da Ilusão}}
|experiencia=12,500,000 (Base) e 12,500,000 (Classe)
# Fale com Bomi e escolha '''Sure thing''' para aceitar seu pedido.<br>''Se Bomi não estiver no lugar de sempre, significa que ela perdeu o controle e se transformou. Você deve derrotá-la no mapa (como um mob comum)''.
# Você precisará juntar itens e caçar os seguintes monstros:
#*10x {{Item2|25268|Sticky Bloods}} (Derrubado por Matte Drainliars).
#*10x {{Item2|25269|Mushroom Saps}} (Derrubado por Illusion Black Mushrooms).
#*Caçar 5x {{Mob|id=3750|nome=Matte Drainliars}}.
#*Caçar 5x {{Mob|id=3755|nome=Illusion Black Mushrooms}}.
# Retorne para Bomi e pegue sua recompensa.
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===Curious by Nature===
|startingpoint=gef_dun01 134/224
|reward=1 {{Item List |id=25271 |item=Illusion Stone|simple=yes}}
|experience=12,500,000 (Base) and 12,500,000 (Job)
# Speak with Mojo and choose '''What do you want to know the most?''' to accept her request.
# You will have to gather and hunt the following:
#* 10 {{Item List |id=25266 |item=Dried Yggdrasil Leaves|simple=yes}}
#* 10 {{Item List |id=25267 |item=Suspicious Pentacles|simple=yes}}
#* 5 Undead Zombies
#* 5 Illusion Zombies
#* 5 Illusion Ghouls
# Return to Mojo to get your reward.
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===Studying in Dim Light===
|startingpoint=gef_d01 190/96
|reward=1 {{Item List |id=25271 |item=Illusion Stone|simple=yes}}
|experience=12,500,000 (Base) and 12,500,000 (Job)
# Speak with the Wizard (Jojo) and choose '''Jojo wanted to see me''' to accept his request.
# You will need to gather the following:
#*10 {{Item List |id=25265 |item=Shining Spores|simple=yes}} (drops from Illusion Black Mushrooms).
#*10 {{Item List |id=25264 |item=Cluster of Nightmares|simple=yes}} (drops from Sweet Nightmares).
# Return to Jojo to get your reward.
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===Noisy Neighbors===
|startingpoint=gef_d01_i 186/97
|reward=2 {{Item List |id=25271 |item=Illusion Stones|simple=yes}}
|experience=12,500,000 (Base) and 12,500,000 (Job)
# Speak with the King and choose '''They're annoying''' to accept his request.
# Kill 10 Matte Drainliars and collect 20 {{Item List |id=25263|item=Short Bat Hairs|simple=yes}}.
# Return to the King to get your reward.
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==MVP Spawn==
To spawn the Angry Dracula MVP, you have to:
# Complete the [[Illusion of Vampire#Unreliable Fake Blood|Unreliable Fake Blood]] quest 30 times (globally). Bomi will then appear on the map and the NPC will temporarily disappear.
# Once you've defeated Bomi, the NPC will reappear and Angry Dracula will spawn to fight you instead.
# While Angry Dracula is alive, the regular NPC (near the catacomb) will also disappear.
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==Illusion Gears==
Speak with the '''Great Merchant''' (<code>gef_dun01 139/228</code>) in the Geffen Dungeon map.
'''You need to equip the base item to be able to craft its Illusion counterpart.'''
More information about these Illusion Enchants can be found in [[Illusion Enchants|'''this''']] page.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; margin:auto; width: 90%"
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9; width: 75px;" | Image
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9;" | Name
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9;" | Description
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9; width: 250px;" | Crafting
|{{Item |id=28022 Illusion Infiltrator <nowiki>[2]</nowiki>}}
|Def + 3
Flee + 5
Perfect Dodge + 2
Increases physical damage on Demi-Human race targets by 60%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher, additional Flee + 5 and additional Perfect Dodge + 2
If upgrade level is +10 or higher, Atk + 5%
[+ {{Item List|id=28509|item=Illusion Ring|slots=1}}]
Aspd + 10%
If {{Item List|id=28022|item=Illusion Infiltrator|slots=2}} upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
If {{Item List|id=28022|item=Illusion Infiltrator|slots=2}} upgrade level is +11 or higher, increases physical damage on Brute race targets by 25%.
Class: Katar
Attack: 200
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 100
Jobs: Guillotine Cross
|style="text-align: left"|
{{Icon|id=1266}}  +7 {{Item |id=1266 Infiltrator <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>}}
{{Icon|id=25271}}  80 {{Item |id=25271 Illusion Stones}}
{{Icon|id=25261}}  10 {{Item |id=25261 Torn Papers}}
|{{Item |id=28023 Illusion Sharpened Legbone of Ghoul <nowiki>[2]</nowiki>}}
|Adds a 4% chance of transforming the user into Ghoul for 6 seconds when performing a short-ranged attack.
While transformed, the user's property becomes Undead.
Applies Endure effect for the duration of the transformation.
Class: Katar
Attack: 220
Weight: 170
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Jobs: Guillotine Cross
|style="text-align: left"|
{{Icon|id=1260}}  +7 {{Item |id=1260 Sharpened Legbone of Ghoul}}
{{Icon|id=25271}}  10 {{Item |id=25271 Illusion Stones}}
{{Icon|id=25264}}  100 {{Item |id=25264 Cluster of Nightmares}}
|{{Item |id=2039 Illusion Wizardry Staff <nowiki>[2]</nowiki>}}
|MATK + 250
Int + 6
Dex + 2
Additional Int + 1 and Dex + 1 for every 2 upgrade levels of the item up to a maximum upgrade level of 10.
Class: Two-Handed Staff
Attack: 150
Property: Neutral
Weight: 240
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: Warlock, Sorcerer
|style="text-align: left"|
{{Icon|id=1473}}  +7 {{Item |id=1473 Wizardry Staff}}
{{Icon|id=25271}}  40 {{Item |id=25271 Illusion Stones}}
{{Icon|id=25267}}  100 {{Item |id=25267 Suspicious Pentacles}}
|{{Item |id=18149 Illusion Ballista <nowiki>[2]</nowiki>}}
|Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 1% per upgrade level of the item.
[+ {{Item List|id=19210|item=Illusion Apple of Archer|slots=1}}]
Atk + 50
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 5%.
If {{Item List|id=18149|item=Illusion Ballista|slots=2}} and {{Item List|id=19210|item=Illusion Apple of Archer|slots=1}} upgrade levels are +7 or higher, increases the damage of {{Skill List|id=2233|skill=Arrow Storm}} by 20%.
If the combined upgrade levels of {{Item List|id=18149|item=Illusion Ballista|slots=2}} and {{Item List|id=19210|item=Illusion Apple of Archer|slots=1}} upgrade levels are +18 or higher, Atk + 10%.
If the combined upgrade levels of {{Item List|id=18149|item=Illusion Ballista|slots=2}} and {{Item List|id=19210|item=Illusion Apple of Archer|slots=1}} upgrade levels are +22 or higher, increases the damage of {{Skill List|id=2233|skill=Arrow Storm}} by an additional 30%.
Class: Bow
Attack: 200
Weight: 350
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: Ranger, Maestro, Wanderer
|style="text-align: left"|
{{Icon|id=1727}}  +7 {{Item |id=1727 Ballista <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>}}
{{Icon|id=25271}}  50 {{Item |id=25271 Illusion Stones}}
{{Icon|id=25265}}  100 {{Item |id=25265 Shining Spores}}
|<img src="">
|{{Item|id=32692 Illusion Book of the Apocalypse <nowiki>[2]</nowiki>}}
|Increases physical damage on Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind property targets by 10%.
Increases physical damage by an additional 10% per 3 upgrade levels of the item up to a maximum upgrade level of 10.
Increases damage taken from Holy property enemies by 30%.
[+ {{Item List|id=28508|item=Illusion Skull Ring|slots=1}}]
Aspd + 8%
Increases critical damage on targets by 5% for every 2 upgrade levels of {{Item List2|id=32692|item=Illusion Book of the Apocalypse|slots=2}}.
If {{Item List2|id=32692|item=Illusion Book of the Apocalypse|slots=2}} upgrade level is +9 or higher, Crit + 15. Immune to Curse.
If {{Item List2|id=32692|item=Illusion Book of the Apocalypse|slots=2}} upgrade level is +11 or higher, Atk + 100
Class: Book
Attack: 170
Weight: 80
Property : Dark
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 100
Jobs: Arch Bishop, Sorcerer, Star Emperor
|style="text-align: left"|
{{Icon|id=1557}}  +7 {{Item |id=1557 Book of the Apocalypse}}
{{Icon|id=25271}}  50 {{Item |id=25271 Illusion Stones}}
{{Icon|id=25262}}  5 {{Item |id=25262 Well-dried Clovers}}
|{{Item |id=20840 Illusion Ancient Cape <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>}}
|Agi + 2
Additional Agi + 1 per 2 upgrade levels of the item up to a maximum upgrade level of 10.
[+ {{Item List|id=28825|item=Illusion Moonlight Dagger|slots=1}}]
Shadow Chaser Bonus
Matk + 80
If {{Item List|id=20840|item=Illusion Ancient Cape|slots=1}} and {{Item List|id=28825|item=Illusion Moonlight Dagger|slots=1}} upgrade levels are +7 or higher, additional Matk + 80.
If the combined upgrade levels of {{Item List|id=20840|item=Illusion Ancient Cape|slots=1}} and {{Item List|id=28825|item=Illusion Moonlight Dagger|slots=1}} are +18 or higher, additional Matk + 40.
If the combined upgrade levels of {{Item List|id=20840|item=Illusion Ancient Cape|slots=1}} and {{Item List|id=28825|item=Illusion Moonlight Dagger|slots=1}} are +22 or higher, increases the damage of Fire property magical attacks on targets by 15%.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 60
Required Level: 100
Jobs: Every Job except Novice
|style="text-align: left"|
{{Icon|id=2525}}  +7 {{Item |id=2525 Ancient Cape <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>}}
{{Icon|id=25271}}  30 {{Item |id=25271 Illusion Stones}}
{{Icon|id=25263}}  200 {{Item |id=25263 Short Bat Hairs}}
|{{Item |id=28508 Illusion Skull Ring <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>}}
|This accessory can only be equipped in the right accessory slot.
Adds a chance of inflicting Curse on the target and the user when performing a short-ranged attack.
Class: Accessory
Weight: 10
Required Level: 100
Jobs: Every Job
|style="text-align: left"|
{{Icon|id=2715}}  {{Item |id=2715 Skull Ring <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>}}
{{Icon|id=25271}}  50 {{Item |id=25271 Illusion Stones}}
{{Icon|id=25266}}  400 {{Item |id=25266 Dried Yggdrasil Leaves}}
|{{Item |id=28509 Illusion Ring <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>}}
|Str + 3
If the user's base Str is 100 or higher, Atk + 30.
[+ {{Item List|id=28022|item=Illusion Infiltrator|slots=2}}]
Aspd + 10%
If {{Item List|id=28022|item=Illusion Infiltrator|slots=2}} upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
If {{Item List|id=28022|item=Illusion Infiltrator|slots=2}} upgrade level is +11 or higher, increases physical damage on Brute race targets by 25%.
Class: Accessory
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
Jobs: Every Job except Novice
|style="text-align: left"|
{{Icon|id=2621}}  {{Item |id=2621 Ring <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>}}
{{Icon|id=25271}}  50 {{Item |id=25271 Illusion Stones}}
{{Icon|id=25267}}  400 {{Item |id=25267 Suspicious Pentacles}}
<br clear="all">
{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable" style="text-align: center; margin:auto; width: 90%"
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9; width: 15%" | Image
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9;" | Name
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9;" | Level
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9;" | HP
! style="background-color:#B6D4D9;" | Size / Race / Element
|<span class=plainlinks>[ Illusion Zombie]</span>
|Medium / Undead / Undead 1
|<span class=plainlinks>[ Undead Zombie]</span>
|Medium / Undead / Undead 1
|<span class=plainlinks>[ Illusion Ghoul]</span>
|Medium / Undead / Undead 2
|<span class=plainlinks>[ Matte Drainliar]</span>
|Small / Brute / Shadow 2
|<span class=plainlinks>[ Sweet Nightmare]</span>
|Large / Demon / Ghost 2
|<span class=plainlinks>[ Illusion Black Mushroom]</span>
|Small / Plant / Earth 1
|<span class=plainlinks>[ Bomi]</span>
|Small / Demi-Human / Undead 2
|<span class=plainlinks>[ Angry Dracula]</span>
|Large / Demon / Shadow 4
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; margin: auto; width:90%"
! style="background-color:#a3cdd2; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width:250px" | Card
! style="background-color:#a3cdd2; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width:125px" | Type
! style="background-color:#a3cdd2; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | Effects
| style="text-align: center;" | {{Card |id=27103 Restless Dead Card}}
| style="text-align: center;" | Armor Card
| style="text-align: center;" | Atk + 20
Armor and Weapon are indestructible in battle.
[+ {{Item List|id=28510|item=Vampire's Familiar|slots=1}}]<br>
Atk + 1% per 3 upgrade levels of the compounded armor.
| style="text-align: center;" | {{Card |id=27102 Matte Drainliar}}
| style="text-align: center;" | Headgear Card
| style="text-align: center;" | Immune to Burn
[+ {{Item List|id=28510|item=Vampire's Familiar|slots=1}}]<br>
Perfect Dodge + 5
| style="text-align: center;" | {{Card |id=27101 Sweet Nightmare Card}}
| style="text-align: center;" | Armor Card
| style="text-align: center;" | Matk + 20
The user's casting cannot be interrupted outside of WoE
[+ {{Item List|id=28510|item=Vampire's Familiar|slots=1}}]<br>
Matk + 1% per 3 upgrade levels of the compounded armor
| style="text-align: center;" | {{Card |id=27105 Bomi Card}}
| style="text-align: center;" | Accessory Card
| style="text-align: center;" | Enables {{Skill List |id=400 |skill=Napalm Vulcan Lv. 4 |simple=yes}}.
[+ {{Item List|id=28510|item=Vampire's Familiar|slots=1}}]<br>
Matk + 30
[+ {{Item List|id=27104|item=Angry Dracula Card}}]<br>
Max HP + 1000
Max SP + 50
If compounded garment upgrade is level +9 or higher, additional Max HP + 1000 and Max SP + 50
| style="text-align: center;" | {{Card |id=27104 Angry Dracula Card}}
| style="text-align: center;" | Garment Card
| style="text-align: center;" | Enables {{Skill List |id=373 |skill=Health Conversion Lv. 1 |simple=yes}}.
[+ {{Item List|id=28510|item=Vampire's Familiar|slots=1}}]<br>
Restores 30 HP and 1 SP to the user every 3 seconds.
[+ {{Item List|id=27105|item=Bomi Card}}]<br>
Max HP + 1000
Max SP + 50
If compounded garment upgrade is level +9 or higher, additional Max HP + 1000 and Max SP + 50
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[[Categoria:Modo Ilusão]]
[[Categoria:Modo Ilusão]]

Edição das 01h47min de 24 de março de 2022