
De Ragna4th
Revisão de 01h48min de 15 de janeiro de 2022 por Nameless (discussão | contribs)
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NaviLink is used to automatically copy the navi command with the map name and its coordinates when the text is clicked.



The name of the map, it's the name that is involved in parenthesis.
The X coordinate, it's the first coordinate you get when using /where.
The Y coordinate, it's the second coordinate you get when using /where.

To get the name of the map and the coordinates you can use /where inside a map.


Lets use an example of Abyss Lake, typing /where there we get

The name of the map is abyss_01, the X coord is 261 and the Y coord is 272.

With all the data in our hands, using {{NaviLink|map=abyss_01|x=261|y=272}} will result into: (abyss_01 261, 272)Copied!. Click it and CTRL+V in any text box.