
De Ragna4th
Revisão de 01h20min de 9 de março de 2022 por Nameless (discussão | contribs)
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A propriedade Sagrado é uma das dez propriedades elementais em Ragnarok Online. Sagrado é o oposto de Sombrio. A propriedade Sagrado é fraca contra a propriedade Sombrio, mas também é forte contra ela e é forte contra a propriedade Maldito. Armas podem ser encantadas com a propriedade Sagrado usando a habilidade de Sacerdotes 68.png Aspersio e armaduras podem ser encantadas pelas habilidade de Sacerdote 69.png B.S. Sacramenti e Guarda Real 2322.png Devoção. A habilidade de Paladino, 369.png Canto de Batalha também tem uma chance de encantar armas e armaduras com a propriedade Sagrado.

Tabela de Dano

Nota: Os níveis são para os elementos de defesa.

Propriedade Sagrada vs Outros Elementos
Elemento Nível 1 Nível 2 Nível 3 Nível 4
Neutro 100% 100% 100% 100%
Água 100% 100% 100% 100%
Terra 100% 100% 100% 100%
Fogo 100% 100% 100% 100%
Vento 100% 100% 100% 100%
Veneno 75% 75% 50% 50%
Sagrado 0% −25% −50% −100%
Sombrio 125% 150% 175% 200%
Fantasma 100% 100% 100% 100%
Maldito 125% 150% 175% 200%
Outros Elementos vs Propriedade Sagrada
Elemento Nível 1 Nível 2 Nível 3 Nível 4
Neutro 100% 100% 100% 100%
Água 100% 100% 100% 100%
Terra 100% 100% 100% 100%
Fogo 100% 100% 100% 100%
Vento 100% 100% 100% 100%
Veneno 75% 75% 50% 50%
Sagrado 0% −25% −50% −100%
Sombrio 125% 150% 175% 200%
Fantasma 90% 80% 70% 60%
Maldito 125% 150% 175% 200%


As seguintes cartas concedem efeitos da propriedade Sagrado. Veja a descrição para mais detalhes.

Equipamento para a Cabeça

  • CartaMutant Heart Hunter Sanare Card:
    • Increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 5%.
    • If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by an additional 5%.




  • CartaCornus Card:
    • Reduces damage taken from Holy property enemies by 20%.
    • Increases physical damage on Holy property targets by 5%.


  • CartaKades Card: Increases damage taken from Holy property attacks by 100%.


  • CartaHeadless Mule Card: Increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 20%.

Conjunto de Cartas

  • Carta • Cartas Archdam, Congelador, Aquecedor e Batedor. É conhecido como Set de Cartas do Templário: Encanta a armadura com a propriedade Sagrado nível 1. (Apenas para Templários e evoluções)


Os equipamentos a seguir são relativos à propriedade Sagrado. Veja a descrição de cada item para mais detalhes.

Equipamentos para a Cabeça

  • {{{2}}}: If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 10%.
  • {{{2}}}: Increases damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 5%.
  • {{{2}}}:
    • Adds a ?% chance of endowing the users weapon with Holy property (Level 1 Aspersio) for 60 seconds when performing a physical attacks.
    • Adds a ?% chance of increasing the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 10% for 60 seconds when performing a magical attacks.
    • If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
      • Adds an additional ?% chance of endowing the users weapon with Holy property (Level 1 Aspersio) for 60 seconds when performing a physical attacks.
      • Adds an additional ?% chance of increasing the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 10% for 60 seconds when performing a magical attacks.
  • {{{2}}}: If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 15%.
  • {{{2}}}: Reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by 3%. Additional 1% per 2 refine level.
  • {{{2}}}: Adds a 5% chance of endowing the users weapon with Holy property (Level 1 Aspersio) for 60 seconds when performing a physical attacks.
  • {{{2}}}:
    • Increases physical and magical damage on Holy property targets by 10%.
    • Increases physical and magical damage on Holy property targets by an additional 1% per 2 upgrade level.


  • {{{2}}}: If upgrade level is +11 or higher, increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 15%.
  • {{{2}}}: Increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 15%.


  • Armor Of Gray {{{2}}}: Reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by 10%. Additional 2% per refine level.
  • Kirin Armor [1] {{{2}}}: Holy property armor.
  • Robe of Gray [1] {{{2}}}: Reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by 10%. Additional 2% per refine level.
  • Samael Dress {{{2}}}:
    • Holy property armor.
    • If upgrade level is +7 or higher, increases physical and magical damage on Holy property targets by 10%.
    • If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases physical and magical damage on Holy property targets by an additional 15%.
    • If upgrade level is +12 or higher, increases physical and magical damage on Holy property targets by an additional 15%.



  • Cloak Of Gray [1]:
    • Reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by 5%.
    • Reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by an additional 1% per 2 upgrade level.
  • Guardian Soul:
    • If upgrade level is +7 or higher, reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by 3% for every combined sum of 18 base Str and Luk.
    • If upgrade level is +12 or higher, reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by an additional 2% for every combined sum of 18 base Str and Luk.
    • If upgrade level is +15 or higher, reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by an additional 2% for every combined sum of 18 base Str and Luk.
  • Lumiere Manteau [1]: Reduce damage from Holy property attack by 5%.
  • Malach's Skin [1]: Reduce damage from Holy property attack by 5%.


  • Boots Of Gray [1]: Reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by 2%. Additional 1% per 3 refine level.
  • Illusion Leg Type B [1] : If upgrade level is +7 or higher, increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 5%.
  • Lumiere Shoes [1]: Reduce damage from Holy property attack by 5%.
  • Shoes of Punishment:
    • Increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by 2%.
    • If upgrade level is +5 or higher, increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by an additional 3%.
    • If upgrade level is +7 or higher, increases the damage of Holy property magical attacks on targets by an additional 5%.
